Traffic Signs

Warning Signs

Two-way traffic crosses one-way road

Two-way traffic straight ahead

Falling rocks


Wild animals

Side winds

Frequent use of road by pedestrians

Uneven road

Humped bridge

Road hump ahead

Pedestrian crossing

Frequent use of road by children

Warning! Elderly people crossing the road

School crossing

Verge on the right

Verge on the left

Tunnel ahead

Steep hill downwards

Steep hill upwards


Dangerous bend on the right

Dangerous bend on the left

Double bend first to right

Double bend first to left

road narrows on right

road narrows on left

road narrows on both sides

lose surface

Dual carriageway ends

Risk of ice

Warning for max height

Overhead electric cables

Junctions with secondary roads

Junctions with secondary roads

Junctions with secondary roads

Junctions with secondary roads

Junctions with secondary roads

Junctions with secondary roads

Trams crossing ahead

Traffic Lights

Junctions on bend ahead

Junctions on bend ahead

Slippery road

Not controlled level crossing (no barrier/gate)

Grounding danger

Traffic queries likely ahead

Agriculture vehicles 

Control level crossing (with barrier/gate)

Road works

Low flying aircraft / sudden aircraft noise

Low flying helicopter / sudden helicopter noise

Other Dangers

Slow-moving HGV on uphill

Warning with distance indication that a road with priority is approaching

Warning with distance indication that a mandatory stop is approaching

Level crossing without barrier

Cross roads with priority to the right

Countdown markers may be provided when approaching a dangerous crossing. These divide the distance between the advance waring sign and the crossing into three equal parts

Sharp deviation of the route to the left at road works or other temporary obstruction.

Sharp deviation of the route to the right at road works or other temporary obstruction.

Change direction towards left or right.

Compulsory pass from the right side. (passageway sign)

Compulsory pass from the left side. (passageway sign)

Compulsory pass from either side. (passageway sign)

Regulatory, Prohibitory and Restrictive signs

No hand-driven vehicles

No motorcycles

No autocycles

No pedestrians

No motor vehicles except solo motorcycles

No agricultural vehicles

No animal-drawn vehicles

Stop! Pay toll

No use of horns

Stop! Customs

Minimum distance

No motor vehicles

Ongoing traffic has priority over coming vehicles

Road closed

No vehicles over maximum width shown

No vehicles over maximum height shown

No goods vehicles. No goods vehicles allowed with over maximum gross weight in case where weight is show under the sign

No goods vehicles. No goods vehicles allowed with over maximum gross weight in case where weight is show under the sign

No trailers

No entry for all vehicular traffic

No right turn

No left turn

Maximum speed limit

End of speed limit

Give priority to vehicles from opposite direction

No overtaking

End of overtaking restrictions

No overtaking by heavy goods vehicles

Axel weight limit in tons

End of all prohibitions (National speed limit applies)

No vehicles or combinations of vehicles over maximum length shown

No vehicles carrying goods which could pollute water

No vehicles over the indicated maximum gross weight shown in tons

No vehicles carrying flammable / explosive goods.

No U-turns

Stop! Police roadblock


End of priority road

Priority road

School crossing patrol

Manually operated temporary GO sign

Manually operated temporary STOP sign

Approaching priority road. 

Controlled Square crossing

No parking

No waiting and no parking

Parking in rotation. Parking prohibited on odd number dates

Parking in rotation. Parking prohibited on evennumber dates

Parking zone of limited duration

Exit parking zone of limited duration

Mandatory Signs

Ahead only

Turn left

Turn right

Keep left

Keep right

Vehicles may pass either side

Turn left ahead

Turn right ahead

One way road

One way road

Parking only for taxi

Compulsory roundabout

Minimum speed permitted

End of minimum speed requirement

Compulsory snow chains

Route to be used by animal riders only

Drive straight or turn left

Drive straight or turn right

Turn left or right

Route to be used by pedestrians only

Traffic Lights

Green means go if the way us clear. Take extra care if you intend to turn left or right, and give way to pedestrians who are crossing

Yellow means stop. You may go on only if the yellow light appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that stopping might cause an accident

Red means stop. Wait behind the stop line on the carriageway until green shows

Red and yellow also means stop. Do not pass the stop line until green shows

When the yellow light is blinking this means drive slowly, because the road junctions is not controlled by traffic signs. In the case, the vehicle approaching from the right has priority unless a policeman in uniforms is controlling traffic

If a green arrow is shown with a red signal and the way is clear, you may go, but only in the direction shown by the aroow

Road Markings

Single continuous lines, are used to prevent overtaking and to seperarate opposite traffic directions

Double continuous lines, are used to prevent overtaking and to seperarate opposite traffic directions

Parallel continuous and broken lines. A single continuous white line along a broken white line means that overtaking is allowed only for the traffic that is on the side of the interrupted line.

Broken center lines. Where the line is broken, you may cross the lines to overtake if is safe to do so, and it is also used for: 1. Making the driving lanes for the direction of traffic. 2. Warning that you approach a continuous line. Do not overtakes

White side line. Do not park or use the road beyond the line

Yellow side line. Do not park or use the road beyond the line

Double continuous yellow line. No stop/No parking

Broken side line. Indicates other entrances or exits on the left side of the road

Traffic Warden Signals

STOP – Vehicle approaching from front

STOP – Vehicle approaching from rear

STOP – Vehicle approaching from front and rear

Proceed – Vehicle approaching from front

Proceed – Vehicle approaching from side road

Proceed – Vehicle approaching from rear
